The Login is Invalid

Webmail and Cpanel Error - The Login is Invalid

Assuming that the login credentials are correctly used.

This error is a common error that usually shows up when you have an internet that is changing the IP address frequently OR when your IP address has been blocked by your Cpanel after too frequent access to the Cpanel.

How to solve.

1. Change your ip address and access

How - (changing your ip address while accessing sites)

  • using a different internet source
  • running a vpn software like Hotspot Shield

2. Take a break and access the webmail/Cpanel after 15 minutes - the ip address will have been unblocked if the ip address had been blocked.

3. Use client software to access Cpanel and webmail services

  • Use FTP software like FileZilla to upload files to Cpanel
  • Use Microsoft outlook to access emails instead of webmail - see how to configure in the Truehost knowledgebase.

4. Access the Webmail and Cpanel from your client area, - login and access the services from the client area, it’s pretty easy to access webmail and Cpanel services from Truehost Client Area


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